Briefly in English
The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI) is the joint interest organisation of building contractors, special contractors and the construction product industry.
The site has been translated with Gtranslate
Welcome to! We want to offer our international stakeholders the opportunity to browse our site in English.
We have provided translations using the Gtranslate tool, which is based on Neural Machine Translation technology. This technology is not flawless, so there might be some translation errors. We have fixed some of these together with a translation agency.
Gtranslate translates the full content of the site and, unfortunately, it is not feasible for us to use the help of human translators to check and correct all errors. However, we hope that the tool will help you when you want to know more about the Finnish construction industry and what we do.
If you come across any content that is difficult to understand, you can contact our experts or send a message to the site administrators using the form at the bottom of the page.
CFCI represents the entire construction sector including:
- Building Construction
- Infrastructure
- Construction product industry
- Building services industry and trade
- HPAC contractors
- Surface contractors
- CFCI focuses its acitivities on business and industrial affairs and labour markets.
Its aim is to firm up the cooperation of industrial players so as to promote good construction and to strengthen the supervision of the interests and importance of the construction industry both in Finland and in the strongly internationally-oriented business environment.
CFCI is a central federation, through which about 3.000 companies are organised. The member companies employ over 60.000 people. The joint turnover of the companies is over 20 billion euros.
- Have a look on our organisation (PDF)
- RT Strategy 2023–2028 (PDF)
- Brief presentation: Economic Survey on the Finnish Construction Market (PDF)

Aleksi Randell
CEO +358 9 129 9201Rakennusteollisuus RT
Assistentti: Lotta Räty

Lauri Pakkanen
Public Affairs Manager +358 50 522 7797Rakennusteollisuus RT ry

Antti Aaltonen
Director, Construction Development +358 40 514 3626Rakennusteollisuus RT

Merja Vuoripuro
Director, Communications +358 40 587 2642Rakennusteollisuus RT
Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT
Address: Eteläranta 10, 00130 Helsinki
PO Box: PL 381, 00131 Helsinki
Phone: +358 (0)9 12991