Personal identification number and tax number

Every person working on a shared construction site must have a photo ID that also has the person's tax number. This is stipulated by Section 52a of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. 

The tag must contain the following information: the employee's picture, name, tax number and employer's name. If the employee is a small business owner or sole trader, the card must read that he is an independent worker. The tag must be visible. The tax number entered on it must be in the tax number register of the construction sector. The general contractor of the joint construction site can check the registration from the tax number service of the tax administration. 

Everyone registered in the tax number register 

According to the law on tax number and construction industry tax number register, everyone working in the construction industry must be registered in the construction industry tax number register. Marking can be handled by the employee himself, the employer or the general contractor of the joint construction site.  

The tax number for construction sites became mandatory in the fall of 2012. Everyone who works in the construction industry must be registered in the tax number register. All the people who work on construction sites, even for a short time, are there. They can also be people other than actual construction workers, for example cleaners and designers who attend meetings at construction sites. 

According to the Tax Administration, approximately 600 people are registered in the public tax number register.  

What is a common site? 

A memorandum has been drawn up in the regional administrative agency's occupational health and safety responsibility area cooperation group, which discusses, among other things, which construction sites are joint construction sites and whose personal identification must be kept on the joint construction site. 

The Valtti card also serves as an identifier 

The address maintained by Vastuu Group you can find out about the possibility of getting a Valttikortti, which also works as an electronic identification on all construction sites. RT recommends all its member companies to use the Valtti card. RT members get a 12,5% ​​discount on Valtti cards. The discount is automatically taken into account when ordering. 

Interpretations of the Regional Administration Office on the joint construction site and maintaining an up-to-date list 

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