Rakennusalalle.fi makes the industry familiar

The new Rakennusalalle.fi website compiles useful information about the construction industry for young people, apprentices and teachers who are considering a career choice, as well as for others interested in study and work opportunities in the field.


Member companies

Our members are leading companies in the six sectors of the Finnish Construction industries: Building Construction, Infrastructure, Construction product industry, Building services industry and trade HPAC contractors and Surface contractors. Almost 3.000 member companies in our industries employ around 60.000 people.

You can find our member companies in the member company searches and listings of our industry associations.


Membership and member services

Our member companies have access to all our information and tools, advisory services, training and networking and influencing opportunities. Responsible construction companies can join Confederation of the Finnish Construction industries, CFCI (Rakennusteollisuus RT) through our Industry assoociations.


Statistics and business cycles

Our strategy leads the way

The main themes of our strategy are a competent and responsible construction industry, the preconditions for growth, the functioning market, and the opportunities offered by the green transition. Our vision is a sustainably growing and safe Finland, where the significance of living environments and construction in generating well-being is understood. The strategy period 2023-2028 will move us towards this goal.

Read about our strategy
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