Preventing moisture and mold damage

There are many factors behind moisture and mold problems in buildings. Not all of them are due to design or construction errors. Maintenance and upkeep of buildings is of great importance in preventing moisture and mold damage.

In the construction industry, a lot of research has been done, guidelines have been drawn up and methods have been developed to prevent and repair moisture and mold damage. Improvements have been made, but there is still work to be done. The key to combating moisture problems is that

  • entrants to the field are trained
  • the plans are drawn up in such a way that moisture is removed from the structures and that the structures can be implemented dry
  • are built with high quality according to the plans and water is prevented from entering the structures
  • adequate drying of the structures is ensured
  • the building is used and maintained in such a way that moisture does not accumulate in the structures even during use

Moisture control during construction

In recent years, the construction industry has invested in development activities and the quality of construction. Moisture is also better managed in construction.

An increasing number of wet rooms are built using precisely tested and certified products, systems and methods. The construction sites are operated according to moisture management plans that cover the various stages of construction. All of this requires that the waterproofing work be done by qualified professionals.

Subscribers play a key role in preventing moisture problems. The customer is responsible for making sure that savings are not made in the wrong place and that only competent and reliable parties are chosen as designers and work makers.

Moisture management during use

Not all moisture problems in real estate are caused by design or construction errors. Real estate also wears out and needs to be taken care of. A significant part of the problems is due to lack of care or improper maintenance. Structures and equipment must be monitored, maintained and renewed if necessary.

Saving, for example by turning off the mechanical ventilation, will be expensive. When the ventilation is started again, the moisture and impurities accumulated in the structures and ductwork start moving. 

A report on the extent of moisture damage repair work in residential buildings

In Finland, 400 million euros are used annually to repair moisture damage in residential buildings. VTT and Tampere University of Applied Sciences TAMK investigated the extent of moisture damage repair work in residential buildings as part of Need for repair of a residential building in Finland - research. 

A key point in the report is that moisture damage is not only a problem for certain high-risk buildings or structures. Any residential building can be damaged if care and maintenance are neglected. With good care, maintenance and proper use, a significant part of moisture damage can be prevented or the consequences of the damage can be reduced. 

The most numerous causes of moisture damage were broken pipes and leaking joints between equipment or furniture and pipes. Second, the most damage was caused by incorrect structures, such as missing waterproofing, underlayment, drainage, or soil material preventing the rise of capillary water in the subsoil. The median costs are almost independent of the building type, so moisture damage would seem to be more apartment-specific than building-specific.

Several problems due to structural solutions and materials have been identified and addressed through new regulations, training and communication. In these respects, the occurrence of new, serious and structural moisture damage is reduced.

Moisture and mold problems

Coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment Moisture and mold problems - action program estimated that many of the current moisture damages are of old origin. In the 1960s and 80s, a number of construction solutions were implemented with complete acceptance, which have since proven to be risky. It has been estimated that as a result of these, up to 15‒20 percent of Finland's building stock suffers from some degree of moisture or mold problems. There is a lot of material on the pages of the talkies for repelling moisture damage, including Päättäjä's mold guide.

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