Energy efficiency in renovation construction

Our building stock is renewed at an annual rate of just over 1%. Because of this, significant measures to improve energy efficiency must be applied to existing buildings.

The vast majority of emissions in the built environment arise from energy consumption during the use of buildings. When you really want to reduce the environmental impact of buildings, the most important and challenging task is to improve the energy efficiency of existing properties.

At the same time, we must increasingly switch to low-emission or zero-emission energy sources. Since at least half of the current buildings will still be in use in 2050, improving their energy efficiency must be done carefully and planned.

The building's energy efficiency and economy can be improved

  • with structural solutions such as insulation and window improvement
  • with low-emission energy produced on site (heat pumps, solar panels)
  • by adjusting heating and ventilation according to usage needs
  • with heat recovery solutions
  • by increasing automation
  • by directing building users to reduce energy consumption.

For better energy efficiency in connection with other repairs

Improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings takes place most cost-effectively in connection with facade, pipe and other repair projects necessary for property management.

Energy can also be significantly saved through the proper use and maintenance of the building, as well as ventilation regulation and heat recovery.

Energy regulations for renovation construction

In Finland, in accordance with the Energy Efficiency of Buildings Directive (EPBD), minimum requirements for the energy efficiency of renovation construction have been set. The energy regulations for renovation construction came into force already ten years ago, and they will be tightened with the reform of the energy efficiency directive.

In addition to standard guidance, financial incentives are needed from the state and municipalities to guide the use of energy-efficient solutions in renovation construction. As far as the state is concerned, this means various repair or financial grants and tax reliefs, as well as a wider supply of supplementary and additional construction options from the municipalities.

Improving the energy efficiency of apartment buildings

In the 2020s, apartment buildings completed in the 1970s and gradually also houses from the 1980s are in the age of renovation. The need for repair primarily focuses on facades and building technical systems. It is worth scheduling actions aimed at improving energy efficiency in connection with their repairs and renovations, because the next natural time, according to the renovation cycle of buildings, may not come until 40 years from now. On the other hand, the option of demolition must also be explored, if necessary, if repairing the building is no longer meaningful or possible.

It is worth investigating the possibilities of group repair

The energy efficiency of existing residential buildings can be comprehensively promoted in regional group repair projects and regional renewal processes. If there are properties built at the same time in the area, it is advisable to cooperate in renovation construction and improving energy efficiency. This enables the utilization of industrial solutions in renovation construction and brings an advantage of scale to both customers and implementers.

At the same time, the service structure can be diversified, the community structure compacted and the area's attractiveness and comfort increased.

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