The statement presents several good ideas for measures, such as speeding up large clean transition industrial investments with tax subsidies, a one-stop service project related to environmental permits, starting invest-in activities and opening funding bottlenecks.
Rakennusteollisuus RT ry presents as a key measure the appointment of a special envoy for Eastern Finland and the establishment of a special economic zone, within the framework of which measures can be implemented in a coordinated manner.
RT proposes, among other things, the following changes and measures to the draft program:
1) Extending the presented tax reductions not only to large industrial investments, but also to other technology development and circular economy investments made by the region's business life.
2) Authorization of Suomen Teollisuussijoitus Oy Tes to act as an anchor investor and assemble an investment fund that invests in the new industry of Eastern Finland. In order to attract large enough private capital, the fund should be asymmetric, where a better return is secured for private money than for public money.
3) By making the procedure and permit process an attractive factor for investments in the clean transition of the area by including all procedure and permit processes, i.e. also those that are the responsibility of the municipalities, within the one-stop shop principle. This can be done by improving the compatibility of the processing processes of different authorities and by shortening the processing and appeal times.
4) Improving access to financing for SMEs by improving Finnvera's loan and guarantee opportunities.
5) Cooperation with Poland and the Baltic countries in order to put together a separate EU funding package related to vital energy and security investments aimed at Russia's border states.